Scrapz is a replacement for Apples Scrapbook. It adds some nice features such as import/export, resizeable window, partial selection of text and pictures ,multiple scrapbooks and more. and of course it's freeware!
Where is the manual?
There is no manual. Scrapz is rather straight forward to use. There is only one hidden feature. If selecting a part of picture, the default selection tool is a rectangle. Pressing the option key allows you to draw an arbitrary selection shape.
How do I Installation this?
"Scrapz" is a desk accessory. Install accordingly.
" Scrapz File" should be placed in the system folder. If you don't Scrapz will create a new and empty Scrapz file.
Is it safe?
Scrapz has been around for a while and all known problems have been eliminated. However, you are accepting all responsibility by using it.
Can I give copies to my friends?
Can I distribute it via my favorite BBS?
Do I need a written permission from the author if I want do distribute it commercially?